This streaming video is designed for individuals and corporate teams who want to learn about branding and apply the key lessons to their own brands. It’s based on the first three books in my “whiteboard overview” series—The Brand Gap, ZAG, and The Designful Company. It contains 45 minutes of content and printable exercises, so you can create your own one-day workshop on brand-building.

I’ve had people from all over the world “recognize” me from this video, giving me a tiny glimpse into the life of a celebrity! It won a Telly Award for Best Non-Broadcast Production.

Who should view it:
The Innovation Workshop is great for brand professionals, business strategists, design leaders, brand consultants, and others who want to work on their brands without the expense of a live workshop leader. 

What you’ll learn:
- The modern definition of “brand”
- How brands create barriers to competition
- Why “charismatic” brands are more valuable
- The three questions that can focus any company
- How to find and harness your “onlyness”
- Why innovation depends on design thinking
- How “making” improves “knowing” and “doing”
- The 16 levers that can jumpstart innovation